International Global Mens Sheds

Other Men’s Sheds – Local & International

Men’s Sheds are Growing

In the few years since the Men’s Sheds idea started to become formalized and recognized in Australia until now, the needs and benefits have become recognized and accepted in many countries. The concept is still new to many and the idea that such a program is needed and beneficial is finding skepticism and denial just like many new ideas. Slowly in some cases, quickly in others, the obstacles are being put aside and new Sheds are being established and supported.

In Canada, there are now over twenty sheds, growing from one in 2012. In a similar time window, Ireland grew from one trial to over 250 in less than five years; Great Britain established several hundred in five years. The difference is the degree of support from the various levels of government and the recognition of cost benefits and a return of support through health service agencies.

Men’s Sheds are being established in many countries in Europe, New Zealand, United States and elsewhere. Australia has established approximately 1000 sheds with about 100,000 members and is recognizing cost benefits in the delivery and quality of many health services to senior and aboriginal males.

International Global Mens Sheds

Links to More Men’s Sheds


Men’s Sheds in British Columbia

Men’s Sheds in Canada

The Canadian Men’s Sheds Association is a peer-run group that aims to build relationships between Canadian sheds, help new ones get started, and raise awareness about the friendly, inclusive, and creative spaces that sheds can offer. The Canadian site offers news about national men’s sheds and a listing of all the sheds in Canada.

Special News: Founder of Men’s Sheds Canada receives Lt. Governor’s Award

Doug Mackie, founder of Men’s Sheds Canada, has received the Manitoba Lieutenant Governor’s Make a Difference Community Award! Doug Mackie founded the first Canadian shed in 2011 in Winnipeg.  Read Full Article.

International Men’s Sheds

Click here to link : Men’s Sheds Across the World is a regular newsletter provided by Punch Jackson of Edmonton. A wide range of topics, developments and research about Men’s Sheds, men’s health and related subjects around the world. Check regularly as this is issued several times each month.

A Place for Men to Get Together to do Guy Things