Where Men
Get Together to
do Guy Things
Men’s Sheds are open to men of all ages, backgrounds and abilities.
What is the Men’s Shed?
A place to share knowledge and skills.
Visit our Men's Sheds workshop "The Barn" @ 1749 Byrns Road. We meet on Tuesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and for coffee on Fridays at 10:00 at Deli City. When entering the drive off of Burns please keep speed below 15 km per hour out of respect of our neighbors.
Please contact us by email to get the latest updates:
The Okanagan Men’s Shed is a shared space version of the workshop in the basement, garage or backyard that has long been a part of the Canadian way of life for retired and less active men. It is modelled after the larger movement first created in Australia.
The purpose is to offer men an alternative way to reach out, avoid isolation, find new opportunities and interests, to socialize and work along with other men on activities which give a sense of purpose and value. We enjoy coffee, swap stories and even play cards.
The Shed / shop is normally open Tuesdays and Thursdays between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM. Drop in, chat with the guys who are there, have a coffee if you like and see if the Men’s Shed meets your expectations. Membership applications are available.

Work on challenging projects for community or personal use

Learn new skills and enjoy the company of other men with similar interests